Bodhi Leaf Trading Company
5LBS Minas Gerais, Brazil, Natural Green Coffee, 100% Specialty Grade Arabica, Direct Trade, Unroasted, Raw Coffee
Brand: Bodhi Leaf Trading Company
- DIRECT TRADE: This coffee is imported directly from our export partners based in São Paulo, Brazil.
- HIGH QUALITY BEANS: Consisting of only specialty grade Arabica beans known for their vibrant cup characteristics.
- SUSTAINABLE SOURCING: We work closely with farmers and coffee-producing groups to ensure fair prices and environmentally friendly growing practices.
- FRESH COFFEE: As an operating importer, we sell coffee to both commercial roasters and home roasters throughout the US. This means we're constantly rotating out current harvest coffees for the next crop, esnuring you're roasting and drinking only the freshest coffees!
- VERSATILE BREWING: The high-scoring, specialty grade coffees we represent are ideal for many brew methods; espresso, pour over, Chemex, or French press - experiment to discover this coffee's lively, balanced flavor profile.
Details: This 5lb bag of green coffee beans from Minas Gerais, Brazil. The lot is labeled “Super Fine” by our export partner for the high cup quality when compared to the “Strictly Soft Fine Cup” (SSFC) label used by Brazilian export grading. This Brazil has a cup profile that can serve as a great base for espresso blends, and can make a great single origin for those looking for a coffee with more base notes that tastes like, well, “coffee”. Brazillian coffees are described by their physical characteristics. This one is an NY 2/3 which stands for “New York 2/3”, and refers to the maximum number of defects allowed; zero primary defects, and a maximum of 9 secondary defects in a 300 gram sample. The numbers 17/18 refer to the screen size of the green coffee itself, measured in 64ths of an inch. Because of the relatively flat landscape of coffee farms in Brazil, producers are able to harvest coffee mechanically to speed up the process of picking, making for more cost-effective coffees. This mechanization has made strip picking the norm, but machines are becoming better at harvesting coffee for specialty needs. This means becoming better at handling trees to only pick ripe cherries, and make multiple passes throughout the harvest season, mimicking the process of hand-picking. After picking, cherry is laid in thin layers to dry in the sun, while being turned frequently for even drying.
Package Dimensions: 10.9 x 7.4 x 3.3 inches